About US

For those that are new to the Doom Crew, a little bit about us: Chef Rebecca &  Luke started Puffs of Doom 7 years ago. Puffs of Doom is a family owned artisan bakery that makes non-traditional sweet, savory, ice cream, vegan, and gluten-free cream puffs. We have over 300 flavors that we rotate seasonally. 

Two years ago, we launched Doom Street Eats. We like to say Doom Street Eats is fancy ass street food. It is basically comfort food and street food turned upside down into unique combinations. For example instead of selling cheese quesadillas, we sell spinach artichoke quesadillas with chimichurri sauce.

This year, we are launching Papa Luke's Gravy Balls. This time we are turning classic meals into cheffed-up meatball and gravy dishes.

Chef Rebecca has been working in kitchens for over 24 years. She runs our kitchens, and all of the food aspects for all 3 of our brands. Luke has a background in the music industry and manages the operations and everything on-site at events/festivals for all 3 brands.

Our first priority at events/festivals, is as a business. We expect everyone to be reliable, responsible, respectful, and do what is asked. We want everyone to have a blast, but it needs to be in addition to the job at hand, not in spite of. We are easy and fun to work for however, there are some hard and fast rules that we have a zero tolerance policy on. Please note, we reserve the right at anytime to cut your wristband and remove you from the festival grounds.

1. Do not show up late to your shift. Being hungover is not an excuse.

2. The Doom Crew is an all-inclusive business. We do not tolerate any of the -isms. We expect a high level of professionalism from our staff. We have a zero tolerance policy for harassment and disrespect of any kind. In turn, we have your back as we are not afraid to fire customers - we all deserve dignity.  You, them, everybody.    

3. Do not show up drunk to your shift. We want everyone to have a good time, but our first priority is to run the business - while the setting is unique and we will have a lot of fun, please remember this is still a job.

3. While some of our directions/answers to questions may not make sense, please know that there is a wealth of information and factors we might not have the time or ability to fully explain to you in the moment. Please remember and know that we are on your side and want you to have fun. That being said, whatever Luke and Rebecca says …. Goes … PERIOD!

Make sure to check us out at the following links:

· Facebook:

o Doom Street Eats: www.facebook.com/doomstreeteats

o Papa Lukes Gravy Balls: www.facebook.com/papalukesgravyballs

o Puffs of Doom: www.facebook.com/puffsofdoom

· Instagram:

o www.instagram.com/doomstreeteats

o www.instagram.com/papalukesgravyballs

o www.instagram.com/puffsofdoom

· Twitter:

o @doomstreeteats

o @puffsofdoom

o @papalukesgravyballs

· Website:

o www.puffsofdoom.com

VIDeo Interview

Click on the button below to either upload a video from your phone, or use your webcam to record a video that answers the following questions:

  • What does it mean to you to work for both a woman owned business and a female run kitchen?
  • Why are you interested in working with the Doom Crew?
  • From everything you have learned about the Doom Crew,  tell me how you feel you’d make a contribution to the team?
  • What movie best describes you and why?