Please let us know below if you have any camping gear to share with anyone that may need it and what it is you have to share.
We will do our best to schedule everyone so they can see at least 1 of their top 3 choices. Please note, everyone will need to work at least 2 closing shifts (this ensures that everyone has a chance to go see shows). The good news is, we are located in the main show field next to both main stages and will be able to hear all of the music.
Below, please list the show that you absolutely do not want to miss. If you do not have any shows that you care about, or you are flexible, please notate that below.
We will do our best to schedule everyone so they can see at least 1 of their top 3 show choices. Please note, everyone will need to work at least 2 closing shifts (this ensures that everyone has a chance to go see shows). The good news is, we are located in the main show field next to both main stages and will be able to hear all of the music.
Below, please list your #2 choice for a show that you would like to see. If you do not have any shows that you care about, or you are flexible, please notate that below.
We will do our best to schedule everyone We will do our best to schedule everyone so they can see at least 1 of their top 3 choices. Please note, everyone will need to work at least 2 closing shifts (this ensures that everyone has a chance to go see shows). The good news is, we are located in the main show field next to both main stages and will be able to hear all of the music.
Below, please list your #3 choice for a show that you would like to see. If you do not have any shows that you care about, or you are flexible, please notate that below.
Please let us know if you have any additional questions/comments.